AI Solutions That Act
As dependable as a Swiss Army Knife, our bots bring a full toolkit for every challenge.
AI Tutor
Relieve your teachers with our AI Tutor.
Sales Agent
Sell more with our Sales Agent for Online Shops.
24/7 Support Agent
Improve Support for Customers or Employees.
Custom Agent
Your custom agent that can take actions and access data.
Accelerate Your Business with AI-Driven Efficiency
Equip your business with the tools to quickly access knowledge, support agents, and optimize workflows.
AI that knows your data
Connect your data to our platform, and we'll take care of the rest.
Chat or Talk with your data
Depending on your needs and the choosen platform, you can chat or talk.
We are model agnostic
Whether it's OpenAI, GroQ or Llama 3, we support everything.
OpenAI GPT-4o
23rd March
OpenAI GPT-4o Mini
21st March
Groq LLM
3rd May
Llama 2.1
1st April
Claude 200k
2nd June
We are platform agnostic
WhatsApp, Web, Telegram or Slack, we support everything.
Add Platform
We take care of the complexity, so you don't have to.
Data protection is not just an afterthought for us. We protect it like it's our own.
We test our agents extensively before they go live. Your reputation is important to us.
We are based in Switzerland, and we are proud of it.
The Team
Modern AI delivers intelligence at breathtaking speed, low cost and with rapid improvement. We make AI accessible for your business.